Sony G Master lenses "Stealth" Mod
Bruno Fujii
2 min read
In my previous post I shared my experience on how I customized my camera to look more "stealthy". But I also did something similar to my lenses. Since the dark orange wasn't doing it for me, first I covered with gafffer tape as I did with all my equipment in the past, but I decided to swap the GM badge to the black G-Series. The fit is not perfect, but I found an aftermarket that worked pretty well aesthetically.
GM vs. G-Series badge
When the G Master was introduced, Sony and Zeiss ended their partnership. With improved design and optics, of course Sony proudly uses the dark orange G badge on the high tier lenses as a sign of excellence. The G-Series lenses have black G badges, which looks better to me, but Sony uses the color as some kind of grading system of their line ups. Usually G-Series lenses are less expensive, have larger apertures and apertures. As a marketing strategy I guess it makes perfect sense, Canon did this with their red ring, and Nikon with their gold ring.
I really like the final result. The lenses are great, but I'm more drawn to minimalist designs, like the Nikon Z Primes and Leica Summicron-SL.
There are people applying skin decals with different colours and patterns on their lenses too, I actually did this in the past to protect it and they work great; they just won't cover the dark orange G badge — which was the main idea of the mod. Now I guess it looks a little balanced with the camera. Kind of superfluous and questionable, but I'm happy with it this way.