Commissioned work by Suzano for creating an imagery of the conservation, socio-environmental education and forest restoration work of the "Nascentes do Mucuri (PNM)" project. At the beginning of 2019 I was in charge for documenting the most affected areas in the region of Malacacheta, Ladainha and Poté in Minas Gerais. On this journey, with the support of the extension agents involved in the project, I met real people directly impacted by its service.

The initiative has a partnership between multi-leaders from the private sector, NGOs, government agencies and individuals, to encourage the use of agro-ecological techniques, ecological restoration and the culture of preservation in the Mucuri River headwater, with a focus on water and improvement of the quality of life of the local people, thus guaranteeing the perpetuity of the river.

Headwaters of Mucuri

© Bruno Fujii. All rights reserved.