In early 50's Guimarães Rosa went to a 10 days journey with 8 native cowboys along 150 miles in Minas Gerais, resulting in one of most important works of Brazilian literature "The Devil to Pay in the Backlands (1956)" (Grande Sertão: Veredas). After more than 60 years I decided to follow his path based in this journey, and also the scenario described by Riobaldo in all his adventures of the book.

The 15 days schedule was planned to started at Confins, going to Sete Lagoas, Três Marias, Pirapora, São Romão, Januária, Candeal, Pandeiros, São Joaquim, Serra das Araras, Vão dos Buracos, Chapada Gaúcha and back to Confins; navigating, tracking road lands, cerrado; several small cities, towns and villages, some of them riverside São Francisco — the longest river that runs entirely in Brazilian territory, passing through rivers like Abaeté and Rio Pardo with fishermen and locals.

Minas Gerais: In the backland paths

© Bruno Fujii. All rights reserved.